

I like to write about whatever comes to my mind. Whether that is visiting an abandoned house, or reading a good book, I like to talk. So, chat with me here about what you like! And welcome.

A Little Catch Up

A Little Catch Up

Hello there loveliest of lovelies! How is everyone doing? I hope everyone survived January. Man it was a long month.

I’m pretty sure this is what my face looked like all through the last month at work. People pissing me off, people breathing, people. Period.

BUT, let’s not dwell on the negative shall we? This post is a dump of the things I got myself up to the past couple of months. Sometimes I find that I if I don’t look back on stuff, I feel like I didn’t do anything at all. Age-related memory loss? Feeling overwhelmingly tired all the time? Who knows. Both probably.

My best friend Jess came to Toronto with the hubby and the kiddies, and we all spent an awesome day at Ripley’s Aquarium. It’s always a good time there.

So not something I did per se….but I like to take pics of all the funny/ weird/ dumb stuff I find when I’m out and about. Many good ones the last month. Lot’s of interesting book titles, a candle that would literally warm your entire house (seriously 15 wicks?), Golden Girls fridge magnets (amazing find!), and Winners was selling jeans with a bonus headband. Ummm, the 80s called, they want their thick ugly headbands back.

Someone scraped the shit out of our car while it was parked in front of Dave’s work. Thankfully insurance paid for all of it, since no one was even in the car and therefore not his fault at all. Thank goodness the person stopped and went into his work inquiring about the license plate. There are good people out there. Also people were filming her on their phones in case she tried to do a runner, so thank you to them as well.

Oh and then I turned 40. And Dave took me to the MillCroft in Caledon and it was an amazing time. We had a little cottage to ourselves and a fireplace and all the prettiness the winter could offer. My mom surprised me with a High Tea and it was such a good birthday.

Lots of holiday family stuff happened as well. My nephew is the coolest kid.

Celebrated my sister’s husbands birthday in January at the Copacobana, a Brazilian steakhouse. Seriously, so frigging good oh my god. It’s pricey, but soooooo worth it. And you get a cheeky show in the middle of your dinner as well.

Visited my parents a couple weeks ago and my brother and I (and James before he tapped out) played a game called Gloomhaven. It’s a frigging awesome game and a lot of fun. We only played a short campaign and it still took us around 2 hours. Believe me when I say that you can play for many hours more!

And this brings us to present day. I had to take this past Friday off because I felt like crap from the allergic reaction I was experiencing from the sterilization room at work. Heavy chemicals, and no, nothing got into my eye. This just happens from time to time.

And then this past Sunday Dave and I went out for breakfast and now I’m here, back at work. Making the face from the above photo, because people have all lost their minds today.

Anyway, I hope you all are having a great Tuesday. It’s supposed to get pretty cold here in the next few days, and some snow in the forecast. Do I sound old I feel old today.


Getting Through It

Getting Through It

Photowall Makes A House A Home

Photowall Makes A House A Home