The Glasses Fiasco: Part 2
They finally called me on Tuesday. I was at work so I had to wait a few more painstaking hours before the glasses would be in my hands. I ended up leaving a teensy bit early to go and get them. I walked in the store and told them why I was there. The dude just looks at me with confusion and tells me that he had not received any glasses in that day. I told him that I got a phone call saying they were delivered earlier.....
They were sent to the wrong store.
For some reason I knew this was going to happen. I had said so earlier that day when I stated that I feared my glasses were lost in the mail. Maybe it's because I put it out into the universe? I don't effing know! I just wanted my glasses.
I couldn't call the original store because it was too late, and there was no way in hell I was traveling as far as I would have had to get the glasses from the other, wrong store. So I waited until the next day and called the original glasses people to let them know that I was unhappy with the fact that they sent them to the wrong place when I specifically said WHICH store to send them to. The office manager let me say what I had to say and then rolled her eyes and said "Yeah, ok. I will fix it". Good grief. And yes, I KNEW she was rolling her eyes at me, I could hear it in her voice.
So I had to wait another two days for them to come in, which they finally did yesterday. I power walked to the store and told the guy my glasses had come in. He got them for me and proceeded to tell me that a person from the original store called HIM to apologize for the mistake. A WHA WHA?? That's great that the guy who was put out the LEAST in the whole situation got an apology. I hope it made him feel better?
Anyway, here they are, the glasses:
Pair numero uno. Also, I look like a douche.
Pair number two
And there you go.