

I like to write about whatever comes to my mind. Whether that is visiting an abandoned house, or reading a good book, I like to talk. So, chat with me here about what you like! And welcome.

The Party Committee Who Stole My Christmas Fun...AKA The Party Grinch

The Party Committee Who Stole My Christmas Fun...AKA The Party Grinch

As she does every year, my beautiful sister invited me to her work Christmas party.  Since I chose not to attend mine this year, I was looking forward to hers.  It's a chance to get all dressed up, drink fancy drinks, and take your heels off to dance the night away.  Right?  No.  See photo evidence below:

 Before the night really got underway.  Smiles!

No.  No fun.

We got dressed up all pretty, got our hair did and all that kind of stuff, only to attend a barn dance.  You heard me.  A barn dance.  

The party was in a swanky hotel, the room was gorgeous.  Everyone looked lovely and ready to have a great night.  Dinner was served, it was all good.  Drinks were being consumed by all, even though they were a whopping $7 a drink, and they were PRE-MIXED.  Uh no.  No way.  If I have to pay $7 for a tiny drink, I want to be able to see exactly how much, or how little, alcohol you are putting into it.  Needless to say, the seven dollar cranberry juice was healthy and tasty, but not worth the price.  Give me the alcohol part too, then maybe.  Sigh.

Also, my sister 'neglected' to tell me that there was going to be karaoke at this company Christmas party.  The reason why she neglected to tell me this is because she knew I wouldn't come.  Because I don't like karaoke.  It's one thing to sit in a room with a few friends and drunkenly butcher some songs all  in good fun, but it's another thing to subject a large group of people to your horrible, terrifying version of Love Shack.

 The DJ being 80-years-old, was having a great time.  Whenever someone didn't feel like taking the reigns to torture us all with a sexified Christmas song, the DJ stepped up and sang us a few diddies of his own.  While he sat behind his 1989 computer monitor/ DJ booth.  Every song that my sister requested, (which were current, popular songs), he did not have.  His version of 'current' was the Spice Girls' If You Wanna Be My Lover. Good lord, where was my Christmas miracle?

All in all, the company at our table was good.  We all were feeling the same sense of disdain and wastefulness and were hamming it up for each others' benefits.  I am glad that I got to spend some quality time with my sister though, who I love, even if it was at a barn dance. 

I texted Dave at one point in the night to let him know how it was all going down.  He called me a Toronto snob.  I disagree.  I am more of a 'wont-wear-heels-unless-I-have-to' kind of snob.  If I had known it was going to be a hoedown, I wouldn't have bothered to break these babies in.

Happy Stuff

Happy Stuff

As Promised

As Promised