

I like to write about whatever comes to my mind. Whether that is visiting an abandoned house, or reading a good book, I like to talk. So, chat with me here about what you like! And welcome.

As Promised

As Promised

So...without further ado, here are some of the pictures from my birthday celebration. 

I am a little shy, as it's the beginning of the night.

Presents were accepted.

Cake was enjoyed by all.

Good friends were there to love.

I believe this is when the drinks began to catch up with us.

Go away.  Thanks.

This day started crazy and ended crazy.  Let me tell you.  I made sure to wake up SUPER early so that I could get my house clean, as I was expecting an over night guest.  My friend Shaun, from my last post, if you remember.  And whenever I am expecting people, I get a little anxious and worried that everything is not perfect.  Again with the OCD, I know.  I just want people to feel comfortable, OK!!?? 

So Dave and I get up early and we clean the entire apartment from top to bottom.  The tree is up, there is extra food in the fridge and we are ready.  At this point I am being made aware from those pesky weather people on t.v, of a huge snowstorm that is supposed to hit Toronto later that night and continue on through the next day.  I am texting my friend and asking him if he still feels like driving all that way if a huge storm was on it's way.  No answer for hours.  Finally when I am REALLY starting to panic, he answers that yeah, it's not worth it to drive that far.  Cool.  I completely understand.  What I don't understand is WHY THE UNIVERSE HATES ME.  Three seconds after I get that text from Shaun (which I was disappointed over but hey, his safety is more important) my phone vibrates again.  I read that another one of my good friends isn't able to make it because they aren't feeling well.  And then half a second after that text, I get another from another good friend saying the same thing.  Sigh.  Now, I have never been one to get upset about that kind of thing, but Universe, did you have to have PERFECT TIMING and send them all at once?  What a shit parade.

But other then all my friends bailing on me not being able to make it, it was a fun night.  I shared my celebration with an old friend who is also turning 31 (on Christmas Day! Blows!), hence the candles that say we are 62, and it was a lot of fun. 

The real craziness though, started when we were on the bus, on the way home.  It was almost 2AM and everyone on the bus was subdued and pretty quiet.  I was looking through all the pictures I took that night and I came upon one of Dave taking a bite of cake.  The picture struck me as hilarious.  So I laughed.  Like a hyena.  On a quiet bus.  And the more I thought about how hard and obnoxiously I was laughing, the harder and louder I would laugh.  Man, sometimes you just have laugh attacks and you can't stop.  That's why it's called an attack.  So all in all it was a good night.  Presents, cake, drinks, friends, and laugh attacks.  What more could you ask for?

Oh and that storm?  It never came.  Bastard.

The Party Committee Who Stole My Christmas Fun...AKA The Party Grinch

The Party Committee Who Stole My Christmas Fun...AKA The Party Grinch

Crazy Fun Weekend

Crazy Fun Weekend