

I like to write about whatever comes to my mind. Whether that is visiting an abandoned house, or reading a good book, I like to talk. So, chat with me here about what you like! And welcome.

Up to No Good: Abandoned House Edition-The Mouldy Manor

Up to No Good: Abandoned House Edition-The Mouldy Manor

Hello there my fellow explorers! Back in the Summer (we had snow here last night, I can’t even believe this was a few short months ago), my sister and I explored this lovely little abode which we shall call the Mouldy Manor.

Right away, before even entering the house, the damp mouldy smell hit me like a ton of bricks. I do have weakling crap lungs so this is not surprising, but this was instant wheezing.

We did ask the one lonely resident if it was ok to enter. He said it was fine but not to linger past dark.


There wasn’t much going on in this room, but you never know what the rest of the house will reveal to you. It seems like whoever left this house took most of their belongings and left the rest to nature.


They did leave behind broken bits of a Cheers dartboard. I know some people who would think that this was just a sacrilege.

Cute little layout, must have been nice and cozy back in its heyday. The basement was NOT graced with my presence this time around. The smell was overwhelming and the stairs looked suspicious.


Lots of cleaning supplies, but no one left to clean.


Buckley’s! Wonder if it still tastes gross, and if it works. Ha! Lame.

Pretty view out the dirty window.


What a strange spot for such a huge piece of furniture. It was at this time that we started hearing scurrying sounds upstairs. Heavy ones.


Sending my camera hand up first. Lots of scurrying feet from little creatures!

Bills and uncashed cheques. I wonder what happened here? Did someone abandon their life, or did they die? These are the pieces I like to try and put together.

I love peeling paint. I think it is one of those weirdly beautiful things.

I had the stinking suspicion (get it? HA!) that this was actually piss. It smelled pretty badly of piss up there, and there were definite signs that some people had partied up there. Like, you can’t piss out a window? Or go outside like a civilized hooligan? I never understood wanting to party in an abandoned house. Maybe if it was newly abandoned, but not one that is in this state. Especially with the mould that you knew was creeping in all over the place. The smell was BAD.


There you go, a better view of the stairs and basement. I was good with standing there.

All in all, not too much to report about this one, but still fun to explore. Stay tuned for the next one I have coming….that one was NOT COOL in so many ways.

I hope you enjoyed! Keep exploring!

Up To No Good: Abandoned House Edition-The Murder House

Up To No Good: Abandoned House Edition-The Murder House

Sayonara Summer

Sayonara Summer