

I like to write about whatever comes to my mind. Whether that is visiting an abandoned house, or reading a good book, I like to talk. So, chat with me here about what you like! And welcome.

March Revisited

March Revisited

Hello my dear sweet love nuts! I am alive! Man, what a crazy three months it has been...and no, not the fun kind of crazy. I got some sort of lung infection sickness thing in January along with a cold that lasted for a month and a half, and then I got a really bad sinus infection. Haha. Oh dear. So I have been out of commission sort of, but working at the same time.

This time of year makes me want to clean and air things out, and do all those kinds of domestic things, except for tonight. Tonight there is a big storm coming and I am just hoping I make it home before the subway decides to turn to shit. So until I find something interesting to write about here, lets take a look at March posts from Pandorah's Box, through the years.

2015- Getting Lost

2010-A Picture, So It Happened

There you go! 6 years of this blog! It goes further back than that, but you are probably sick of my mug at this point. Sorry about all the pictures of me, but...yeah.

I hope you are all enjoying your day, and for those being hit by the storm tonight, stay warm and dry, and I hope your power stays on!

Up to No Good: Abandoned House Edition...The Moon House

Up to No Good: Abandoned House Edition...The Moon House

Stormy Day

Stormy Day