

I like to write about whatever comes to my mind. Whether that is visiting an abandoned house, or reading a good book, I like to talk. So, chat with me here about what you like! And welcome.

They Don't Call Me The Christmas Queen for Nothing

They Don't Call Me The Christmas Queen for Nothing

ALL the leaves have left the building around here. We have had two snows already, but nothing has stuck. Except for today, today was another matter.

We woke up on Saturday morning with early Christmas shopping dancing through our heads. So we made the drive to Newmarket, and the Upper Canada Mall, thinking it would be less packed outside of Toronto. No. No it was not.

I FINALLY bought myself a winter jacket. I couldn't really spare the expense, but I needed a new one and was tired of shivering my ass off every time I went outside. I got this cute hat to go with it.

Christmas shopping extravaganza....success.

So decorating happened. And when I decorate I need a Christmas-y type drink to go along with it all, so this new flavour of Baileys was the only choice. Because literally that's all they had. But it was really good!

And drunken decorating/ wrapping presents ensued.

Yup. We are nut bars.

Tonight we are enjoying the accumulating snow, and relaxing before another work week begins. We are supposed to get more of the white stuff tomorrow as well, but I don't mind! I am prepared for it now! Bring it on!

Do you like the snow?

Christmas Past

Christmas Past

2014 Holiday Gift Guide

2014 Holiday Gift Guide