

I like to write about whatever comes to my mind. Whether that is visiting an abandoned house, or reading a good book, I like to talk. So, chat with me here about what you like! And welcome.

Music For Those Who Listen

Music For Those Who Listen

This past weekend my sister and I spent some time at our parents house in London. It had been too long.  This was taken while I was waiting for my sister to grab her stuff from her apartment.

Clouds for Indigo.  Check out his blog, and his book!

I spent Saturday night drinking way too much of this slushy margarita deliciousness that my parents brought back from the States.  God it was good. And very strong.  Which was perfect!

As soon as we got there I got into my comfies.  Because well, good family, good food and comfy cozies go together like nothing else.

Cuddling with the pups.

And of course I got to play with my little guy on Sunday. Which is always the best! He melts my heart in a gazillion different ways.  

We take playing seriously in our family.

On the holiday Monday, Dave and I decided to go on a walking adventure through High Park (again) but then we ended up on Lakeshore, which we had surprisingly never done before.

It was the perfect day for discovering a new spot.

This guy was just balancing rocks on one another (Inukshuks?), and they were everywhere.

A much needed rest. 

In bloom.

Nature is not in fact, a whore.

Dave loves these red-winged blackbirds.  I like them too.  But, they are so loud, the little shriekers.  I remember when my best friend and I used to camp in my backyard when we were around 11 or 12 years old and these birds would wake us up at 6 in the morning. I would be so pissed that I would run around like the Hulk and shake the trees to try and get them to shut up.

Another wonderful weekend! Family and new adventures are always welcome in my life. Plus, we walked 14km on Monday, which is great.  I have put on a few (15) pounds since the winter started and its time to lose that shit again.  Healthy eating and lots of running in the imminent future!

Throwup Thursday

Throwup Thursday

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