

I like to write about whatever comes to my mind. Whether that is visiting an abandoned house, or reading a good book, I like to talk. So, chat with me here about what you like! And welcome.

Valentine's Day (Grilled) Cheese

Valentine's Day (Grilled) Cheese

Caution: Cheese ahead. Of the icky love kind, and of the delicious kind.

I hope everyone had a nice Valentine's Day! We don't really celebrate it because it's just another day, but it was a nice excuse to go out and get some gourmet grilled cheese!


I'm pretty sure I have talked about Boylan's on this blog before, because it's DELICIOUS. The best root beer ever. Of all time. It has a slight bitterness to it that makes it so so good. 

I had a roasted pear, arugula, pancetta, brie and blue cheese grilled cheese. It was really really good. If you are ever in the 'hood, go to Cut the Cheese. It's good stuff. And no, they did not pay me to say that!

Afterwards we went out for a drink and some dessert.

Which was also good. I am a woman of many words today aren't I?

I hope everyone enjoys the rest of their weekend! It's a long weekend here because of Family Day so the rest of my weekend will consist of lounging around and doing nothing.

Happy Sunday!

Just a Couple of Work Selfies

Just a Couple of Work Selfies

First Week Down

First Week Down