

I like to write about whatever comes to my mind. Whether that is visiting an abandoned house, or reading a good book, I like to talk. So, chat with me here about what you like! And welcome.

This Is No Ordinary Love

This Is No Ordinary Love

Sometimes I have really good ideas.  Like this....BEHOLD. Yogurt in a glass. With a banana and some granola.  I bet I am a pioneer with this invention. Right? I AM A PIONEER *angry face*

And sometimes, when I am really tired, or my head hurts, or I've worked too hard, I want to go out and eat crap and drink beer. Thankfully I have a boyfriend who also likes to do those things.  And who pays for it! Because he is an angel. The second beer from the left was a gingerbread beer.  Sounds gross but oh my god it was good.

Really though, I do love this guy.  I know I say it a lot and you either think "awww" or puke all over your computer screen, but it's the truth.  I am not sure how we got so lucky, but it's true.  Pretty cool for a one night stand right??? I like to call our relationship 'the one night stand that has lasted for 8 years'. What a romantic story we will have to tell our children! I mean, if we were ever going to have any. I'll just have to pass it on to my nieces and nephews. I'll be THAT aunt. The crude, gross one. Don't try to change me!


Even better though, than all that love, is movie night at work tonight! Pizza and wine and a corny Christmas rom com?  Yes please. P.S- I hate the word 'corny'...too close to it's pervy cousin 'horny'.  Such a gross word.  Lower your voice and breathe out "I'm so horny right now".  Did you just gross yourself out? You grossed me out you weirdo.

Fun times, and much needed.  We watched The Holiday. It was a first for me, it was cute. But, Cameron Diaz? Although super hot (like a total babe) she is really not a great actress.  I never realized that until tonight.  

My wine was gone in .2 seconds. And then I banged my glass down for more.  I truly am a class act.

There is a reason I don't like going out sometimes all the time.

When you are out and having fun and you look at the clock and it's late, you now have to get home somehow.  For me, that is walking. And after you have had some wine and pizza, and you are nicely stuffed and content and you have sat in the dark for 3 hours, having to go outside in the cold and walk home is not so fun.  But, home, here I am.

I beat Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception (fucking wicked game!), and now Dave is playing it. It was seriously such a good game that I want to re-live it again by watching him play it through.  So that has been my life for the past couple of nights.  It's relaxing, and makes me miss our early 'video game dates'. Dave would play at his desk and I would sit on the floor and play on his t.v, and we would drink and every once in a while be like "Hey! How's it going over there?". Best dates ever.

Not a bad way to spend a chilly evening.

Peace out brothers and sistas!!  Tomorrow we have a pot luck at work which I attempted to make butter squares for, but I failed at them. They taste delicious, they just fell apart. SIGH. So now I have to stop somewhere in the morning and buy something.  I don't BUY things ever, I always make something, so we will have to see.

Have a great night! And to my Jessi, I love you! xoxox

Updates and Holiday Greetings

Updates and Holiday Greetings

Vacation All I Ever Wanted

Vacation All I Ever Wanted