And I Say Thanks
Two weekends ago was Thanksgiving here in old Canada. Which means, food! Just kidding. I know we all remember why the Thanksgiving tradition came about and all those ummm....Indians and land and turkey? *crickets*
Dave and I pulled our asses out of bed to attend my family's tradition of gorging on meat and cheesecake. Come on, you all know that's what Thanksgiving is to you these days, don't try to lie! It was a very beautiful and overcast Fall day out there, which I did give thanks for because...I like days like that.
I also like this guy. AY OH! Dis guy! He is pretty rad, even if he does have a dumb face.
What a smouldering gaze. If I wasn't thinking about cheesecake I would have fallen head over heels.
I am happy that I live in a country where we get to experience all the seasons. Fall is awesome, and what's even more awesome is that it leads to Winter. Also, the next person who complains about Winter in Canada I am going to ship off to the Equator. Unless you would like that. I will think of something super horrifying for you I swear.
How could you not like all the colours?
I like all the fire and smoke in this picture. Reminds me of me. good times. Thank you mama, for all the delicious food. And thank you Krista, for doing all the dishes this year. Allowed me more time to get drunk. Which I couldn't even manage as I was undrunkable (it's a word!) that day. No matter how much I drank, nothing.
My bro and his beautiful wife. I love you guys. Kefo, I think you destroyed my kidneys when you hugged me sooo yeah...I only have 6 months left to live.
Why don't we take a picture like we hate each other and don't want to be around each other at all?
There, better. No hate, just love.
My bro and my cousins little boy. Love these two like crazy!
It's the Bailey monster!
Nicholas taking pictures of me. It constantly surprises me how kids just know how to use an electronic device. Probably better then I can.
Everyone gathered to look at wedding pictures.
My beautiful sister who is going to rip me a new one for posting a picture of her because she is a mental case.
This post was painful for me. It's ok if it was for you too. Sometimes you feel like it and sometimes you don't right?
There is one thing I am truly grateful for, and that's all of you! Keep on being awesome folks!