

I like to write about whatever comes to my mind. Whether that is visiting an abandoned house, or reading a good book, I like to talk. So, chat with me here about what you like! And welcome.



Since I deemed 2011 as 'The Year of Me', I have been pushing myself to embrace this and focus on myself more.  Sounds selfish, I know.  I feel selfish sometimes. But I also think that once you have been in a relationship for a long time, some people lose their identity and you become more of 'a couple' and no longer an individual. In a lot of ways, I love being a couple. But in other ways, I like being me, and doing things JUST for me. Stuff that I would do for myself when I was single, and not always thinking of the 'other half'. It's important. Some may call it selfish. I call it NECESSARY.  

And this is why I have been going out more with friends, and being silly and buying too much nail polish and FAR too much jewellery.  Because these are things that make me feel as if I am spoiling myself, and it makes me happy!

Like sitting on rooftop patios and drinking beer at sunset with amazing friends.  What's not to love about this scenario?

Aquila has an amazing rooftop patio, and they make deee-liscious ribs.  No joke.  Check it out if you are in the Junction!

Had to cut Ms. Jessica out of the picture.  She doesn't like her picture being taken, and right now, I must honour her wishes. Look at how lazy I was...too lazy to put my sweater on the right way.

Tonight we ordered in.  I got home from work late and I am sleepy, so we indulged and ordered Vesuvio's! Yum!  Honestly, we have such great restaurants in our hood.  We are lucky.

I had a boner for this necklace as soon as I saw it.  Again, Curious Oddities, my favourite jewellery designer EVER. I saw it a little over a week ago when I had no money and essentially kissed it goodbye. I went in again today and was looking for something else to appease my addiction, and after looking forever, saw MY necklace tucked away in a hidden spot! Woohoo! Kat, you are going to be rich because of me.

Those are pink camouflage nails, yes.

It works too!

Sigh, so pretty.  I belong on a pirate ship.

And then I bought some Sugar Rush rings. One for me, one for my sister.  They are the same ring, just opposite colours. Love them!

Cool price tags.

And then my dinner came. All I wanted was something to nibble on, so I ordered the antipasto.  So delicious. Olives, sharp cheese (and bocconcini), roasted red peppers, zucchini, salami, prosciutto, and a glass of wine.  The wine didn't come with the delivery. I wish.

It has been an indulgent day folks! But again, every once in a while it's ok.  In fact, you should partake in a few indulgences! Think of it as necessary for your health. You wouldn't want to be un-healthy would you?

Everyday is An Adventure in Kato Land

Everyday is An Adventure in Kato Land

I Must Be Psychic

I Must Be Psychic