Playing Catch Up: 7
August 3rd, 2010
I have been sort of bummed lately. I have been missing the days when money that I made was, you know, MY OWN. Screw you University and your call of knowledge and books. What did you teach me, other than skipping class? And now I have to be this super responsible ADULT (barf) who pays her student loans on time. And now, I never have any money to do anything FUN.
So even though I am a super anal stupid ADULT when it comes to paying back all my shit, no one ever said I was super anal about paying my rent when my landlords were out of town! HA! That's just crazy talk isn' t it!!???
Our landlord told us that he was leaving the country for two weeks. He told us this right on the day when I got paid. The day when I was feeling like I needed a little retail therapy. So, my mind started turning. In circles. And then I smelled a funny smell and I remembered that that was what you intelligent folks call 'thinking'. Ah yes, it's been a while. I guess University was good for something.
Anyhow, my brain began doing it's thing and that thing was to tell me that:
1. My landlord is out of the country for two weeks.
2. I just got paid.
3. There is the rent check for the month sitting on my coffee table.
4. My landlord is out of the country for two weeks.
So I spent some of my damn rent money. On SKINNY JEANS. And a handbag. So there! Sometimes I am not so responsible. Sometimes I am spontaneous and throw caution to the wind. It feels good to be back. I used to do crazy shit all the time. Although I guess it doesn't truly count because I didn't have any real responsibilities then. Sigh. I guess I will know I am a bonafide irresponsible woman if I decide to have children and one day spend all their college tuition on a new set of boobs. Yeah! Spring Break! Am I right?
So there you go. I am insane. I spent my freaking rent money!! AHHH! What the hell was I thinking?? What if they come back before I get paid in two weeks and demand the money? I am a horrible person! I need to be stopped! What was I thinking?
Do you think it would make it all better if I showed them the new mop I bought? Mops are responsible!