Surprise Snowstorm Attack!
Today Dave and I decided to go for a long walk. I needed one after my neurotic breakdown yesterday.
Here is our day in pictures:
The taste that's true to moo. Not stupid at all.
I love Winter. It is so beautiful.
I think one 'fabric' would have done the trick.
And we have arrived at the Holy Land.
Dave's socks. I didn't notice until later that they were mis-matched. Fucking guys eh?
Anyone have a clue where we are now?
Weird Blair Witch snowballs placed randomly across the sidewalk.
The magic that is in me is ridiculous. That's what she said, I know.
This is what two months of a Canadian winter looks like. Technically, like shit.
I love this Chapters.
Canada's thrash/ speed metal band. I watched a documentary about these guys and bawled my head off. They pretty much suck, but man do they ever have heart.
Oh hey folks, It's not Christmas anymore. There, I sent out the memo. No reason for you not to know anymore.
Gorgeous, I know.
Home! Drowned rats.
The air loves me. Curls my hair for me. Thanks air.
And this concludes our four hour long walk. Tomato soup and bagels were enjoyed by all at the end of this night.
I hope you all enjoyed your weekend!